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Im working on getting things listed on here and setting everything up. please be patient.




Hey everyone


First let me say thank you to all of my customers so far and any new customers that dont know me my gamertag is D2B2009 and I have been the guy posting on the Xbox Uservoice website for quite some time offering repair options to folks with xbox one elite and non elite controllers. Many many customers asked me why i dont have a site and I kept telling them I didnt need one and at the time that was 100% true but because of the increase in people needing their controllers repaired now seems like the right time to start my own site instead of posting on the uservoice forums.


To all the folks that dont already know I offer the following repair services:


1. Xbox one (non elite) drifting analog stick replacememnt - $27

2. Xbox one (Elite) drifting analog stick replacememnt - $27

3. Xbox one (Elite) back assembly and rubber grips replacememnt - $30

4. Xbox one (Elite) side rubber grips replacememnt - $20

5. Xbox one (Elite) back paddle board replacememnt - $20

6. Xbox one (Elite) bumper replacememnt (black) - $17

7. Xbox one (non elite 3.5mm version only!) bumper replacememnt - $17


For now these are the repair options I have been offering customers and I received many positive reviews on the uservoice forums from people. The biggest difference between me and other people offering repairs is I use OEM legit analog sticks. I have the part number that MS uses and got in contact with the company directly to get ahold of the legit sticks. I can easily spot a fake analog stick and have seen many shops both local and online use those fake sticks ordered from sites like ebay and other chinese drop shipping services. They dont have the feel of the oem sticks and are harder to move so when playing FPS games like COD and Halo you will have a hard time getting those precise shots. I also use high quality equipment from metcal and hakko to solder and desolder components....again not just some cheap soldering iron from walmart or lowes down the street. If you are interested in asking me any questions feel free to shoot me an email at numnutz2009@gmail.com ...and yes that really is my email lol. I used it when posting on the forums so changing it now seems pointless since people already know me as having that email.


Thanks again to all of my past and future customers....your support has been very much appreciated.

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